Bachelor’s in computer application (BCA)

Bachelor’s in Computer Application (BCA) is an undergraduate degree course in computer applications. With the rapid growth of IT industry in India, the demand of computer professional is increasing day by day. This increasing growth of IT industry has created a lot of opportunities for the computer graduates.

Course & Duration

The full form of BCA is bachelor’s in computer application. BCA is a three-year undergraduate degree programme for candidates wishing to delve into the world of Computer languages. One of the most popular options to get started with a career in Information Technology, the course gives you an insight into the world of computers and its applications.

A BCA degree is at par with a BTech/BE degree in Computer Science or Information Technology. The degree helps interested students in setting up a sound academic base for an advanced career in Computer Applications. Bachelor’s in computer application (BCA) is one of the popular courses among the students who want to make their career in the IT (Information Technology) field. The duration of the course is 3 years and divided into 6 semesters. It comprises of the subjects like database, networking, data structure, core programming languages like ‘C’ and ‘java’. This course provides a lot of opportunities to the students who are interested in computer field and wants to work in the IT sector as programmer or software developer.

Eligibility Criteria

1 : Candidate for admission to the Bachelor of Computer Application must have passed standard 12th or equivalent examination from Gujarat higher secondary board or any other board

2 : Candidate seeking admission directly in third semester of Bachelor of Computer Application must have passed Examination of Diploma in Engineering in Computer Engineering(CE) / Computer Science(CS) / Information Technology(IT).

3 : The duration of the course will be of three full time academic years. The examination for the Bachelor of Computer Application course will be divided into six semesters. No candidate will be allowed to join any other course or service simultaneously.

4 : Candidate who have passed an equivalent examination from any other board or examining body and is seeking admission to the B.C.A. course will be required to provide necessary eligibility certificate.

5 : No candidate will be admitted to any semester examination for B.C.A. unless it is certified by the Principal that he has attended the course of study to the satisfaction of the principal of the college

6 : Candidate desirous of appearing at any semester examination of the B.C.A. course must forward their application in the prescribed from to the University through the principal of the college on or before the date prescribed for the purpose under the relevant ordinances.

Note: Spot Admission will be granted to all the students who satisfies above criteria.

Rules for the payment of fees

  1. All fees to be paid at the beginning of the term as and when the notice for the payment of fees is issued by the college.
  2. College fees is nonrefundable.
  3. Once the term starts, a student is a registered student of the college and is liable to pay fees for the term even though the results may or may not be declared.
  4. All payment to be made by cheque.
  5. Application for NOC should be submitted along with the copy of the mark sheet of the last Sem exam.
  6. College reserves the right to modify rules.

BCA Syllabus

  1. Unit 1

    Introduction, 2 × 2 , 3×3 order determinant, Cramer’s method for solving linear equation(Two and Three Variables), Properties of Determinants,Examples

  2. Unit 2

    Introduction, Different types of matrix(square matrix, column matrix, row matrix, Diagonal matrix, Unit matrix, null matrix), Transpose of matrix, Addition, subtraction & multiplication of two matrices, Adjoint of a square matrix, Inverse of matrix

  3. Unit 3

    Co-ordinate Geometry
    Introduction, Quadrants & Axes, Distance between two points in R2(without proof), Section formula(without proof), Area of triangle(without proof), Typical examples

    Set Theory
    Introduction, Method of representation of a set, Operation on sets & its properties(with only Logical proof), De’Morgan laws with Logical proof, Difference of two sets, Cartesian products(up to two sets), Typical examples

  4. Unit 4

    Measures of Central
    Mean(ungroup data, group data), Median(ungroup data, group data), Mode(ungroup data, group data), Range, Quartiles, Standard Deviation, Typical examples

  5. Unit 5

    Arithmetic & Geometric progression
    Sequence, Series, Arithmetic progression( Definition & Nth term, sum of n terms), Geometric progression, (Definition & Nth term, sum of n terms), Harmonic Progression, Relation Between AM GM HM ( Two Numbers), Typical examples

  1. Unit 1

    Introduction of C Language
    • Introduction of Computer Languages
    • Introduction of Programming Concept
    • Introduction of C Language (History & Overview)
    • Difference between traditional and modern c.
    • C character set
    • C tokens
       - Keywords
       - Constants
       - Strings
       - Identifiers and variables
       - Operators (all 8 operators)
    • Hierarchy of operators
    • Type casting
    • Data types in C
    Introduction of Logic Development Tools
    • Introduction of Logic.
    • Necessary Instructions for Developing Logic
    • Basics of Flow Chart
    • Dry-run and its Use.
    • Other Logic development techniques

  2. Unit 2

    Control Structures
    • Selective control structure
       - If statements
       - Switch statement
    • Conditional ternary operator
    • Iterative (looping) control statements
       - For loop
       - Do…while loop
       - While loop
    • Nesting of loops
    • Jumping statements
       - Break statement
       - Continue statement
       - Goto statements

  3. Unit 3

    Functions (Inbuilt and User Defined)
    • Types of library functions
       - String Function: Strcpy, strncpy, strcat, strncat, strchr, strrchr, strcmp, strncmp, strspn, strcspn, strlen, strpbrk, strstr, strtok
       - Mathematical Functions: Acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos,div, exp, fabs, floor, fmod, log, modf, pow, sin, sqrt
       - Date & Time Functions: clock, difftime, mktime, time, asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, strftime
       - I/O Formatting Functions: printf, scanf, getc, getchar, gets, putc, putchar, puts, ungetc
       - Miscellaneous Functions: delay, clrscr, clearer, errno, isalnum, isalpha, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, isspace, isupper, isxdigit, toupper, tolower
       - Standard Library functions: abs , atof , atol , exit , free, labs , qsort , rand , strtoul , srand
       - Memory Allocation Functions: malloc , realloc , calloc
    • Types of user defined functions
    • Pointers
    • Function call by value
    • Function call by reference
    • Recursion
    • Storage classes
    • Passing and returning values

  4. Unit 4

    • Types of arrays
       - Single dimensional array
       - Two dimensional array
       - Multi-dimensional array
       - String arrays
    • Use of Arrays in Programming
    • Arrays and Matrices
    • Introduction of Pointers
    • Use of pointers in Dynamic Programming
    • Pointer to Variables
    • Pointer to Array
    • Pointer within Array
    • Pointer To Structure
    • Pointers within structure
    • Pointer to Pointer

  5. Unit 5

    User Defined Data Type – Structure, Union & enum
    • What is structure
    • Initializations and declarations
    • Memory allocation functions
    • Pointers with structures
    • Array with structures
    • Udf with structures
    • Nested structures
    • Introduction to union
    • Difference between Structure & Union
    • Enumerated Type
    File Handling
    • Concept of data files
    • File handling
    • Use of file handling functions fopen, fclose, fprintf, fscanf, getw, putw, fseek, ftell, rewind ,freopen, remove, rename, feof, ferror, fflush, fgetpos, sprintf, snprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf, fscanf, vfscanf, setbuf, setvbuf
    • I/O operations • Command line arguments

  1. Unit 1

    Introduction to Computers
    • Basics of Computers
        o What is Computer?
        o Characteristics of Computer
        o Data Processing Cycle (Data → Process →information)
    • Classification of Computer by Data Processed
        o Analog, Digital and Hybrid Computers
    • Classification of Computer by Processing Capabilities
        o Micro, Mini, Mainframe and Super Computers
    • History and Generations of Computers
        o First to Fifth Generation Computers
    • Simple Model of Computer
        o Input Devices
        o CPU (Central Processing Unit)
        o Arithmetic & Logic Unit
        o Control Unit
        o Internal Memory
    • Output Devices
    • Secondary Storage Devices
    Internal/External parts used with Computer Cabinet
    • Introduction to Mother board
    • Types of Processors.
        o Dual Core, Core 2 Duo, i2, i3, etc ....
    • Memory structure and Types of Memory
        o RAM (SRAM, DRAM, SO, DDR, etc.)
        o ROM (ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, etc.)
    • Slots
        o ISA Slots / PCI Slots / Memory Slots
    • Sockets
    • Cables
        o Serial Cable / Parallel Cable / USB Cable
    • Ports
        o USB / Serial / Parellel / PS2 / HDMI
    • Power Devices :UPS
    • Graphic Cards
    • Network card, Sound Card

  2. Unit 2

    Input Devices
    • Introduction
    • Types of Input Devices
        o Keyboard / Mouse / Trackball / Glide - Pad / Game Devices Joystick, etc.) / Light Pen / Touch Screen / Digitizers and Graphic Tablet / Mic (Sound Input) / Camera (Photo and Video Input) / POS (Point of Sale) Terminal (Scanners, etc)
        o MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) Keyboard,
        o Wireless Devices (Keyboard, Mouse, etc)
    • Types of Scanners
         o OCR, OMR, MICR, OBR
    Data Storage
    • Introduction
    • Types of Magnetic Storage Devices
        o Floppy Disk / Hard Disk (SATA, SSD) / Magnetic Tape / Magnetic Disks
    • Storage Mechanism of Magnetic Storage Devices
        o Tracks / Sectors / Clusters / Cylinders
    • Reading / Writing Data to and from Storage Devices
    • Seek Time / Rotational Delay - Latency / Access
    • Time /Response Time
    • Other Storage Devices
        o USB - Pen Drive / CD / DVD / Blu-Rav Disk etc.
        o Flash Memory, Cloud Storage(Like Google Drive, OneDrive etc.)

  3. Unit 3

    Output Devices
    • Types of Output Devices
    • CRT Display Units
    • Monitor
    • Non CRT display Units
    • LCD / LED / Plasma Displays
    • Types of Printers Impact and Non Impact Printers
    • Plotters
    • Other Devices
        o Fascimile(FAX)
        o OLED (Organic LED)
        o Headphone
        o SGD (Speech Generating Device)
        o COM (Computer Output Microfilm)
        o Google Glass

  4. Unit 4

    Numbering System and Codes
    • Introduction to Binary Codes /
        o Nibble / Bit / Byte / Carry Bit / Parity Bit / Sign Bit
        o KB / MB / GB / TB / HB (etc ....
    • Types of Numbering System
        o Binary / Octal/Decimal / Hex-Decimal• Conversion
        o Binary to Octal, Decimal and Hexa-Decimal
        o Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexa-Decimal
        o Octal to Binary, Decimal and Hexa-Decimal
        o Hexa-Decimal to Binary, Octal and Decimal
    • Binary Arithmetic
        o Addition
        o Subtraction (1's Compliment and 2's Compliment)
        o Division
        o Multiplication
    • Types of Codes
        o ASCII/BCD / EBCDIC / UniCode
    • Parity Check
        o Event Parity System / Odd Parity System
    Languages, Operating Systems and Software Packages
    • Introduction
    • Translator (Assembler / Compiler / Interpreter)
    • Types of Languages
        o Machine Level Language
        o Assembly Level Language
        o High Level Language (3GL, 4GL, 5GL, etc.)
    • Types of Operating Systems
        o Batch Operating System
        o Multi Processing Operating System
        o Time Sharing Operating System
        o Online and Real Time Operating System
    • Uses and applications of Software Packages
        o Word Processing Packages
        o Spread Sheet Packages
        o Graphical Packages
        o Database Packages I
        o Presentation Packages
        o Animation / Video / Sound Packages

  5. Unit 5

    Emerging Technologies and Virus
    • Different Communication methods
        o GIS / GPS / COMA / GSM
    • Communication Devices I
        o Cell Phones / Modem / Infrared / Bluetooth / WiFi/LiFi/SLM(Spatial Light Modulator)
    • Virus
        o Introduction to Virus and related terms
        o Origin and History
        o Types of Virus
        o Problems and Protection from Virus
    • Cloud Computing
        o What is Cloud Computing?
        o Characteristic & Service Models(Iaas, Paas, Saas)
        o Architecture
        o Security & Privacy
    Important Terms and Acronyms
    • ATM
    • Backup / Restore
    • Hard Copy / Soft Copy
    • Bus / Data Bus
    • Buffer and types / Spooling
    • Cursor / Pointer / Icon
    • E-Mail I Attachment
    • CLiI GUI
    • Compiler and its types
    • Drive I Directory (Folder) / File / Path
    • Menu / Popup Menu / Toolbar
    • Shutdown / Reboot / Restart
    • Syntax / Wild Card Characters
    • Optical Fiber (Fiber Optic) .
    • Net meeting
    • Printing Speed (CPS, CPM, LPM, DPI, PPM)
    • Peripherals

  1. Unit 1

    Introduction to Computer Network and it's Applications
    • Computer Network
    • Type of Computer Network
    • Different Terminologies used in Computer Network Internet, ISP (Internet Service Provider), Intranet, VSAT (very small aperture terminal), URL, Portal, Domain Name Server, World Wide Web (WWW), Search Engine, Remote Login, Telnet, Email, ECommerce, E-Business, E-Governance, Mobile Commerce
    • Website Basics (WebPages; Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, File Transfer Protocol, Domain Names; URL; Protocol Address; Website[Static, Dynamic, Responsive etc], Web browser, Web Servers; Web Hosting

  2. Unit 2

    Basic of HTML & Advance HTML 5
    • Fundamental of HTML
    • Basic Tag and Attribute
    • The Formatting Tags
    • The List Tags
    • Link Tag
    • inserting special characters,
    • adding images and Sound,
    • lists types of lists
    • Table in HTML
    • Frame in HTML
    • Forms
    • HTML 5 & Syntax -
        o HTML5 Document Structure (section, article, aside, header, footer, nav, dialog, figure)
       o Attributes of HTML 5
       o Web Form ( datetime, date, month, week, time, number, range, email, url) o Audio / Video - Canvas

  3. Unit 3

    Cascading Style Sheet & CSS 3
    • Introduction to CSS
    • Types of Style Sheets
    • Class & ID Selector
    • CSS Pseudo
    • CSS Font Properties
    • CSS Text Properties
    • CSS Background Properties
    • CSS List Properties
    • CSS Margin Properties
    • CSS Comments
    • CSS 3
        - Border Property
        - Background & Gradient Property
        - Drop Shadow Property
        - 2D & 3D Transform Property
        - Transition Property
        - Box Sizing Property
        - Position Property
    • Media Query
    • CSS Flexbox Properties - (display, flex-direction, flex-wrap, flex-flow, justifycontent, align-items, align-content, gap row-gap, column-gap)
    • CSS Advance Properties - (Overflow, text-overflow, Cursor, Visibility, filter, backdrop-filter, object-fit)
    • How to use Google Fonts & Custom Fonts (@font-face)
    • BEM Naming Convention

  4. Unit 4

    Java Script
    • Introduction to JavaScript
    • Variables
    • JavaScript Operators
    • Conditional Statements
    • JavaScript Loops
    • JavaScript Break and Continue Statements
    • Dialog Boxes
    • JavaScript Arrays
    • JavaScript User Define Function
    • Built in Function ( string, Maths, Array, Date )
    • Events ( onclick, ondblclick, onmouseover, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeyup, onfocus, onblur, onload, onchange, onsubmit, onreset)
    • DOM & History Object
    • Form Validation & E-mail Validation

  5. Unit 4

    Bootstrap Framework
    • Introduction to Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap Layout (Container, Row, Columns, Responsive classes, Offset Column, Reordering Columns)
    • Bootstrap Content (Typography, Tables, Images, Forms)
    • Bootstrap Components (Navbar, Navs and tabs, Dropdowns, Buttons, Button Groups, Breadcrumb, Pagination, Labels, Alerts, Progress Bars, Accordion, Card, Modal)Bootstrap Utilities (Colors, Background, Borders, Display, Overflow, Position, Spacing, Text, Vertical align)

HTML-5, CSS-3, MS – Word, MS – Excel, MS – Power Point, MS-Access and Macromedia Dream weaver

Programming in C Language

  1. Unit 1

    Algorithm Analysis
    • The analysis of algorithm.
    • Time and space complexities.
    • Asymptotic notation.
    • Classes of algorithm.
    • Big-Oh Notation
    • Big-Omega Notation
    Advanced Concepts of C
    • Dynamic allocation and de-allocation of memory
        - function malloc(size)
        - function calloc(n,size)
        - function free(block)
    • Dangling pointer problem.
    • Enumerated constants

  2. Unit 2

    Sorting and Searching
    • Bubble sorting
    • Insertion sorting
    • Quick sorting
    • Bucket sorting
    • Merge sorting
    • Selection sorting
    • Shell sorting
    • Basic searching technique
    • Index searching
    • Sequential searching
    • Binary searching

  3. Unit 3

    Introduction To data Structure
    • Primitive and simple structures Linear and nonlinear structures file organization.
    Elementary Data Structure
    • Stack
        -Definition Operations on stack
        -Implementation of stacks using arrays
        -Function to insert an element into the stack Function to delete an element from the stack Function to display the items
        -Recursion and stacks
        -Evaluation of expressions using stacks Postfix expressions
        -Prefix expression
    • Queue
        -Array implementation of queues
        -Function to insert an element into the queue Function to delete an element from the queue
    • Circular queue
        -Function to insert an element into the queue Function for deletion from circular queue Circular queue with array implementation
    • Deques
    • Priority queues

  4. Unit 4

    Linked List & Implementation
    • Applications of the linked lists .
    • Types of Linked Lists
         o Singly Linked List
        o Doubly linked list
        o Header Linked List
        o Circular Linked List
    • Implementation using Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List and Circular Singly Linked List.
         o Insertion of a node at the beginning
        o Insertion of a node at the end
        o Insertion of a node after a specified node
        o Traversing the entire linked list
        o Deletion of a node from linked list
        o Updating of a specific node
    • Implementation of merging of two Singly Linked List Implementation of reversing of Singly Linked List

  5. Unit 5

    Tree & Graph
    • Objectives Properties of a tree Binary trees
        -Properties of binary trees Implementation Traversals of a binary tree
        -In order traversal, Post order traversal ,Preorder traversal
        -Binary search trees (bst) Insertion in bst Deletion of a node Search for a key in bst
    • Height balanced tree
    • B-tree Algorithm Insertion, Deletion
    • Objectives Properties of a tree Binary trees - Depth first search (dfs) Implementation Breadth first search (bfs) Implementation
    • Shortest path problem Minimal spanning tree

  1. Unit 1

    PHP Basic
    • Introduction to PHP
    • PHP configuration in IIS & Apache Web server
    • Understanding of PHP.INI file
    • Understanding of PHP .htaccess file
    • PHP Variable
    • Static & global variable
    • GET & POST method
    • PHP Operator
    • Conditional Structure & Looping Structure
    • Array
    • User Defined Functions:
        - argument function
        - default argument
        - variable function
        - return function
    • Variable Length Argument Function
        - func_num_args
        - func_get_arg, func_get_args
    • Built in Functions
        - Variable Functions
        - String Function
        - Math Function
        - Date Function
        - Array Function
        - Miscellaneous Function
        - File handling Function

  2. Unit 2

    Handling Form, Session Tracking & PHP Components
    • Handling form with GET & POST
    • Cookies
    • Session
    • Server variable
    • PHP Components
        - PHP GD Library
        - PHP Regular expression
        - Uploading file
        - Sending mail
    • What is AJAX
    • PHP with AJAX
    • MySql with AJAX
    • What is JQuery AJAX
    • JQuery AJAX with PHP
    • Introduction to JSON
    • Installation & Configuration
    •Resource Types
    • JsonSerializable
    • JSON Functions : json_decode, json_encode

  3. Unit 3

    Introduction of SQL
    • Working with MySQL using PhpMyAdmin
    • SQL DML Statement (Insert, Update, Select, Delete) Command
    • PHP-MySQLi Connectivity
    • PHP-MySQLi Functions
    • mysqli_connect, mysqli_close,mysqli_error, msyqli_errno, mysqli_select_db, mysqli_query, mysqli_fetch_array, mysqli_num_Rows, mysqli_affe cted_Rows, mysqli_fetch_assoc, mysqli_fetch_field , mysqli_fetch_object,mysqli_fetch_row, mysqli_insert_id, mysqli_num_fields, mysqli_data_seek

  4. Unit 4

    • What is jQuery?
    • jQuery Syntax
    • jQuery Selector
        - Element Selector
        - Class Selector
        - id Selector
    • jQuery Events (Click, dbclick, keypress, keydown, keyup, submit, change, focus, blur, load, resize, scroll, unlode)
    • jQuery Effects (hide show, fade, slide)
    • jQuery Methods (Css, height, width, innerWidth, innerHeight, outerWidth, outerHeight, html, text, append, prepend, after, before, addClass, removeClass, toggleClass, remove, empty)

  5. Unit 5

    • Concept of OOP
        o Class
        o Object
        o Property
        o Visibility
        o Constructor, Destructor
        o Inheritance
        o Scope Resolution Operator (::)
        o Autoloading Classes
        o Class Constants
    • Mysql Database handling with oop (insert, update, select, delete

  1. Unit 1

    Digital Logic Circuits
    • Logic Gates
        - AND,OR,NOT,NAND,NOR,XOR,Exclusive NOR gates
    • Boolean Algebra
        - Boolean algebra?
        - Boolean variable and Boolean function (Analog and Digital Signals)
        - Truth table
        - Postulates
        - Theorem related to postulates
        - Simplified Boolean function using postulates and draw logical diagram of simplified function
        - Simplified Boolean function using Karnaugh map method with DON’T CARE condition
    • Sequential And Combinational Circuits
        - Clock pulses
        - Combinational circuit, sequential circuit and adder
    • Flip Flops
        - SR, Clocked SR, D, JK, JK – Master Slave, T
    • Universal Gate

  2. Unit 2

    Digital Component
    • Integrated Circuits
        - Decoders (2 X 4, 3 X 8)
        - Encoders (Octal to Binary – 8 X 3)
        - Multiplexer (4 X 1)
        - Demultiplexer (1 X 4)
    • Register
        - Block diagram of register
        - Parallel register and shift register

  3. Unit 3

    Data Representation
    • Multiplication and division of two binary numbers
    • Floating point representation
    • Fixed point representation
    • Error Detection code – (Parity Bit)

  4. Unit 4

    Central Processing Unit
    • Introduction Of CPU
    • Major component of CPU
    • General Register Organization
        - control word
        - Accumulator Register
    • Stack Organization
        - Register stack
        - Memory stack
        - Polish notation and reverse polish notation
    • Arithmetic And Logic Unit
        - Block diagram of ALU
    • Interrupts

  5. Unit 5

    Input-Output Organization
    • Memory buses
    • Block diagram and function
    • Data Bus, Address Bus and Control lines
    • Input Output Buses
    • Concept of input output interface
    • Input Out Processor (IOP)
    • Direct Memory Access
    • DMA controller

  1. Unit 1

    System Analysis & Design, Software Engineering & Concept of Quality Assurance
    • Definitions: System, Subsystem, Business System, Information System (Definitions only)
    • Systems Analyst (Role: Information Analyst, Systems Designer & Programmer Analyst)
    • SDLC • Fact – finding techniques (Interview, Questionnaire, Record review and observation)
    • Tools for Documenting Procedures and Decisions Decision Trees and Decision Tables
    • Data Flow analysis Tool DFD (context and zero level) and Data Dictionary
    • Software Engineering (Brief introduction)
    • Introduction to QA
    • Quality Control (QC)
    • Difference between QA and Q
    • Quality Assurance activities

  2. Unit 2

    Basics of Software Testing, Types of Software Testing, Verification and Validation
    • Introduction to software Testing
    • Software faults and failures : Bug/Error/Defect/Faults/Failures
    • Testing Artifacts
       • Test case     • Test Script
       • Test Plan
       • Test Harness
       • Test Suite
    • Static Testing
        • Informal Review
       • Walthrough
       • Technical Review
       • Inspection
    • Dynamic Testing
    • Test Levels
       • Unit Testing
       • Integration Testing
       • System Testing
       • Acceptance Testing
    Techniques of software Testing • Black Box Testing
       • Equivalence Partitioning    • Boundary Data Analysis    • Decision Table Testing    • State Transition Testing • White Box Testing
       • Statement testing and coverage    • Decision testing and coverage • Grey Box Testing
    • Nonfunctional Testing
        • Performance Testing    • Stress Testing    • Load Testing    • Usability Testing    • Security Testing

  3. Unit 3

    Software Development Life Cycle Models and Automated Testing
    • Waterfall Model
    • Iterative Model
    • V-Model
    • Spiral Model
    • Big Bang Model
    • Prototyping Model
    • Introduction to Automated Testing : Concept of Freeware, Shareware, licensed tools
       • Win runner
       • Load runner
       • QTP
       • Rational Suite

  4. Unit 4

    Project Economics, Project scheduling and Tracking
    • Concepts of Project Management
    • Project Costing based on metrics
    • Empirical Project Estimation Techniques.
    • Decomposition Techniques.
    • Algorithmic methods.
    • Automated Estimation Tools
    • Concepts of project scheduling and tracking
    • Effort estimation techniques
    • Task network and scheduling methods
    • Timeline chart • Pert Chart
    • Monitoring and control progress
    • Graphical Reporting Tools

  5. Unit 5

    CAD Project Management Tool UML
    • MS – VISIO for designing & Documentation
    • MS – Project for controlling and Project Management
    • UML designing and skill based tools Overview of
    •Class Diagram
    •Use Case Diagram
    •Activity Diagram



  1. Unit 1

    Basics of Network, Network Models and LAN Sharing
    • Network concepts - What is network? - Use of network
    • Network model - peer – to – peer, - client – server
    • Network Services - File service, - Print service, - Comm. service, - Data base service, - Security service, - Application service
    • Network Access Methods - CSMA / CD, CSMA / CA, - Token passing - Polling
    • Network Topologies - Bus, Ring, Star, Mesh, Tree, Hybrid
    • Advanced - Network Topologies Ethernet, CDDI, FDDI
    • Communication Methods - Unicasting - Multicasting - Broadcasting
    • OSI reference model with 7 layers
    • TCP/IP network model with 4 layers
    • File And Print Sharing in LAN.
    • Mapping of network drive
    • Disk quota • Encryption
    • Compression
    • Net meeting

  2. Unit 2

    Transmission Media Multiplexing & Switching Concepts Network devices
    • Transmission Media - Types of Transmission media - Guided media - Co – Axial Cable, - Twisted Pair Cable, - Crimping of Twisted pair cable - Fiber Optic Cable
    • Unguided media - Infrared, Laser, Radio, Microwave, Bluetooth tech.
    • Different Frequency Ranges
    • Multiplexing & De-multiplexing
    • Multiplexing Types - FDM, - TDM, - CDM, - WDM
    • Switching Tech. - Circuit Switching, - Message Switching, - Packet Switching
    • LAYER1 DEVICES - LAN CARD, - MODEM , - DSL & ADSL - HUB(Active, Passive, Smart hub) - REPEATER
    • LAYER2 DEVICES - SWITCH(Manageable, non manageable) - BRIDGE(Source route, Transactional)
    • WIRELESS NETWORK DEVICES Wireless switch Wireless router, ACCESSPOINT

  3. Unit 3

    Network Protocols, Network Routing
    • Packets &Protocols
    • Conn. Oriented protocols -TCP& connection less protocols-UDP
    • IPX/SPX • AppleTalk,
    • L2CAP, RFCOMM Protocol
    • What is routing
    • Requirements of routing
    • Types of Routing - static, - dynamic, - default
    • Routing protocols - Exterior Routing protocol
    1)BGP - Interior Routing protocol
        (1)Distance vector routing - RIP - IGRP - EIGRP
        (2)Link state routing - OSPF - IS IS

  4. Unit 4

    IP ADDRESSING, Windows 2008 server
    • What is ip address?
    • Types of ip address
    • ipv4 - Class structure - subneting, supernetting
    • ipv6 - Basic structure of ipv6 - Implementation of ipv6
    • Migration from ipv4 to ipv6 • Installation of 2008 enterprise server
    • Various editions of windows 2008 server
    • Installation & Configuration of Active Directory - Domains, Trees, Forests concept
    • Accounts(User, Group, Computer)
    • Policy (Security and audit)
    • Logging Events
    • MMC(Microsoft Management console)

  5. Unit 5

    Basics of Network Security, Internet connection & Sharing
    • Fundamental of Network Security
    • Requirements of network Security
    • Policies, Standard, Procedures, Baselines, Guide lines
    • Security methods - Encryption, Cryptography - Authentication
    • Security Principle –CIA Model • Basics of Internet • How internet is connecting with computer
    • Technology related internet - Dial up tech. - ISDN network tech. - Lease line tech.
    • VPN - Types of VPN - Use of VPN - VPN protocols (PPTP, L2TP, IPsec.)
    • Proxy server, Firewall
    • GPS, GPRS
    • CCTV tech.

  1. Unit 1

    Principles of object oriented programming Tokens, expressions and control statements
    • Procedure – oriented programming
    • Object oriented programming paradigm
    • Basic concepts of object oriented Programming
    • Benefits of object oriented programming
    • Application of object oriented programming
    • What is c++?
    • Application of c++
    • Input/output operators
    • Structure of c++ program
    • Introduction of namespace
    • Tokens : keywords, identifiers, basic data types, user- defined types, derived data types, symbolic constants, type compatibility, declaration of variables, dynamic initialization of variables, reference variables
    • Operators in C++: scope resolution operator, member referencing operator, memory management operator, manipulators, type cast operator.
    • Expression : Expression and their types, special assignment operator, implicit conversions, operator precedence
    • Control structures
    • Conditional control structure :- simple if, if…else , nested if else, switch etc.
    • Looping control structure:- for, while , do…while
    Functions in C++
    • The main function
    • Function prototype
    • Call by reference
    • Return by reference
    • Inline function
    • Default arguments
    • Const arguments
    • Functions overloading
    • Adding C Functions turbo C++

  2. Unit 2

    Classes and Objects, Constructor and Destructor
    • C structures revisited
    • Specifying a class
    • Local Classes
    • Nested Classes
    • Defining member functions, nesting of Member functions, private member function, making outside function inline
    • Arrays within a class
    • Memory allocation for objects
    • Static data member
    • Static member functions
    • Arrays of objects
    • Objects as function arguments
    • Friendly functions
    • Returning objects
    • Const member function
    • Pointer to members
    • Characteristics of constructor
    • Explicit constructor
    • Parameterized constructor
    • Multiple constructor in a class
    • Constructor with default argument
    • Copy constructor
    • Dynamic initialization of objects
    • Constructing two dimensional array
    • Dynamic constructor
    • MIL , Advantage of MIL
    • Destructors

  3. Unit 3

    Operator overloading and type conversion, Inheritance
    • Concept of operator overloading
    • Over loading unary and binary operators
    • Overloading of operators using friend Function
    • Manipulation of string using operators
    • Rules for operator overloading
    • Type conversions.
    • Comparison of different method of conversion
    • Defining derived classes
    • Types of inheritance (Single, Multiple, Multi-level, Hierarchical, Hybrid)
    • Virtual base class & Abstract class
    • Constructors in derived class
    • Application of Constructor and Destructor in inheritance
    • Containership, Inheritance V/s Containership

  4. Unit 4

    Pointer, Virtual functions and Polymorphis m, RTTI Console I/O operations
    • Pointer to Object
    • Pointer to derived class
    • this pointer
    • Rules for virtual function
    • Virtual function and pure virtual function.
    • Default argument to virtual function
    • Run Time Type Identification
    • C++ streams
    • C++ stream classes
    • Unformatted and formatted I/O operations
    • Use of manipulators.

  5. Unit 5

    Working with Files, Exception handling, Introduction to Template STL
    • File stream classes
    • Opening and closing a file
    • Error handling
    • File modes
    • File pointers
    • Sequential I/O operations
    • Updating a file (Random access)
    • Command line arguments
    • Overview of Exception Handling
    • Need for Exception Handling
    • various components of exception handling
    • Introduction to templates
    • Class templates
    • Function templates
    • Member function templates
    • Overloading of template function
    • Non-type Template argument
    • Primary and Partial Specialization
    • Introduction to STL
    • Overview of iterators, containers

  1. Unit 1

    DBMS Overview, SQL, SQL*Plus
    • Introduction to DBMS
    • Introduction to RDBMS
    • Dr.E.F.Codd Rules
    • Importance of E.R.Diagram in Relational DBMS.
    • Normalization
    • Introduction to SQL
    • SQL Commands and Datatypes
    • Introduction to SQL*Plus
    • SQL*Plus formatting commands
    • Operator and Expression
    • SQL v/s SQL*Plus

  2. Unit 2

    Managing Tables and Data, Data Control And Transaction Control Command
    • Creating , Altering & Dropping tables
    • Data Manipulation Command like
    • Insert, update, delete
    • Different type of constraints and applying of constration
    • Join (Inner join ,outer join, self join)
    • subquery, minus, intersect, union
    • Built in functions
    • Numeric Function
        abs, ceil, cos, decode, exp, floor, greatest, least, log, log10, max, min, rem, round , sign, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, trunc
    • Character Function
        chr, concat, initcap, lower, lpad, ltrim, replace, rpad, rtrim, soundex, substr, treat, trim, upper
    • Date Function
        add_months, last_day, months_between, next_day, round (date), sysdate, systimestamp, trunc (date), to_date, to_char
    • Aggregate function
        Sum, Count, AVG, MAX, MIN
    • General Functions
    • Creating user & role
    • Grant, Revoke command
    • What is transaction?
    • Starting and Ending of Transaction Commit, Rollback, SavePoint

  3. Unit 3

    Other ORACLE Database Objects, Concurrency control using lock
    • View
    • Sequence
    • Synonyms,
    • Database Links
    • Index
        o B*Tree Indexes
        o Bitmap Indexes
        o Function-Based Indexes
        o Application Domain Indexes
    • Cluster,
    • Snapshot
    • What Are Locks?
    • Locking Issues
        o Lost Updates
        o Pessimistic Locking
        o Optimistic Locking
        o Blocking
        o Deadlocks
        o Lock Escalation
    • Lock Types
        o DML Locks
        o DDL Locks
        o Latches
        o Manual Locking and User-Defined Locks

  4. Unit 4

    Introduction to PL/SQL, Advanced PL/SQL
    • SQL v/s PL/SQL
    • PL/SQL Block Structure
    • Language construct of PL/SQL
    • (Variables, Basic and Composite Data type, Conditions looping etc.)
    • %TYPE and %ROWTYPE
    • Using Cursor(Implicit, Explicit)
    • Exception Handling
    • Creating and Using Procedure, Functions,
    • Package,
    • Triggers
    • Creating Objects,
    • Object in Database-Table
    • PL/SQL Tables, Nested Tables, Varrays

  5. Unit 5

    Oracle Database Structure and Storage Database, Resource Management and Task Scheduling
    • Instance Architecture
        o Database Processes
        o Memory Structure.
        o Data files
    • Creating & Altering Database
    • Opening & shutdown Database
    • Initialization Parameter
    • Control Files, Redo Logs files
    • Tablespace(Create, Alter, Drop)
    • Rollback Segment (Create, Alter ) (System & Transaction RBS)
    • Oracle Blocks
    • Import
    • Export
    • SQL*Loader
    • Managing Automated Database Maintenance Tasks
    • Managing Resources with Oracle Database Resource Manager
    • Oracle Scheduler Concepts
    • Scheduling Jobs with Oracle Scheduler
    • Administering Oracle Scheduler

  1. Unit 1

    Introduction Installation & Configuration
    What is Content Management System (CMS)? - Introduction of Wordpress - Features of Wordpress
    • Advantages & Disadvantages of Wordpress - Installation of Wordpress. - Wordpress Directory & file structure. - Dashboard overview - How to add, edit and delete page, category, post, tag. - Add new media file (image, pdf, doc etc.) & attach to post or page. - Gutenberg Introduction
    • Gutenberg Blocks (Paragraph, Heading, Subheading, Quote, Image, Cover Image, Gallery, Video, Audio, Columns, Code, List, Button, Embeds) - User Roles and Capabilities. - Setting (General, writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Permalinks) - Updating Wordpress
    • One-click Update
    • Manual Update - Database Structure

  2. Unit 2

    - What is theme?
    - How to install & activate theme.
    - Theme Customize Options (Site Identity, Menus, Widgets, HomePage Settings, Additional CSS)

  3. Unit 3

    - What is widget & widget Areas? - Widget Management
    • Available Widgets (Archive, Calendar, Categories, Navigation Menu, Meta, Pages, Recent Comments, Recent Posts, RSS, Search, Tag Cloud, Text, Image, Gallery, Video, Audio, Custom HTML) • Inactive Sidebar (not used)
    • Inactive Widgets
    - What is plugin?
    - How to install and activate plugin.
    - Useful plugins for website.
        • Seo yoast
        • Contact form 7
        • Woocommerce
        • WP Super Cache
        • Regenerate Thumbnails
        • Advanced Custom Fields
        • All-in-One WP Migration
        • Custom Post Type Widgets

  4. Unit 4

    Theme development
    - Anatomy of a Theme: header.php, footer.php and sidebar.php
    - Template Files (style.css, index.php, page.php, home.php, archive.php, single.php, comments.php, search.php, attachment.php, 404.php, category.php, tag.php, author.php, date.php)
    - The Loop (have_posts (), the_post())
    - Template Tags
        1. General tags (wp_head(), get_footer(), get_header(), get_sidebar(), get_search_form(), bloginfo(), wp_title(), single_post_title(), wp_footer(), comments_template(), add_theme_support(), get_template_directory_uri(), body_class())
        2. Author tags (the_author(), get_the_author(), the_author_link(), get_the_author_link(), the_author_meta(), the_author_posts())
        3. Category tags (category_description(), single_cat_title(), the_category() )
        4. Link tags (the_permalink(), get_permalink(), home_url(), get_home_url(), site_url(), get_site_url())
        5. Post tags (the_content(), the_excerpt(), the_ID(), the_tags(), the_title(), get_the_title(), the_date(), get_the_date(), the_time(), next_post_link(), previous_post_link(), posts_nav_link(), post_class() )
        6. Post Thumbnail tags (has_post_thumbnail(), get_post_thumbnail_id(), the_post_thumbnail(), get_the_post_thumbnail())
        7. Navigation Menu tags (wp_nav_menu())
        8. Conditional Tags (is_archive(), is_category(), is_front_page(), is_home(), is_page(), is_single(), is_search(), is_attachment(), is_active_sidebar())
    - functions.php file

  5. Unit 5

    Advanced development
    - Advanced functions
        • add_action()
        • add_filter()
        • add_shortcode()
        • do_shortcode()
        • register_nav_menu()
    - Custom Post Types
        • register_post_type()
        • register_taxonomy()
        • Display custom Post Type & Taxonomy
    - Widget Area
        • register_sidebar()
        • dynamic_sidebar()



  1. Unit 1

    History, Introduction and Language, Basics Classes and Objects
    - History and Features of Java
    - Java Editions
    - JDK, JVM and JRE
    - JDK Tools
    - Compiling and Executing basic Java Program
    - Java IDE (NetBeans and Eclipse)
    - Data Type (Integer, Float, Character, Boolean)
    - Java Tokens (Keyword, Literal, Identifier, Whitespace, Separators, Comments, Operators)
    - Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Boolean Logical, Bitwise Logical, Assignment, Unary, Shift, Special operators)
    - Java Keywords (assert, strictfp, enum)
    - Type Casting
    - Decision Statements (if, switch)
    - Looping Statements (for, while, do..while)
    - Jumping Statements (break, continue, return)
    - Array (One Dim., Rectangular, Jagged)
    - Command Line Argument Array
    - OOP Concepts (Class, Object, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism)
    - Creating and using Class with members
    - Constructor
    - finalize() method
    - Static and Non-Static Members
    - Overloading (Constructor & Method)
    - Varargs, IIB (Instance Initialization Block) in Java

  2. Unit 2

    Inheritance, Java Packages
    - Universal Class (Object Class)
    - Access Specifiers (public, private, protected, default, private protected)
    - Constructors in inheritance
    - Method Overriding
    - Interface, Object Cloning,
    - Nested and Inner Class
    - Abstract and Final Class
    - Normal import and Static Import
    - Introduction to Java API Packages and imp. Classes
        o java.lang
        o java.util
        o java.awt
        o java.awt.event
        o java.applet
        o java.swing
    - java.lang Package Classes (Math, Wrapper Classes, String, String Buffer)
    - java.util Package Classes (Random, Date, GregorianCalendar, StringTokenizer, Collection in Java - Vector, HashTable, LinkedList, SortedSet, Stack, Queue, Map)
    - Creating and Using UserDefined package and sub-package

  3. Unit 3

    Exception Handling, Threading and Streams (Input and Output)
    - Introduction to exception handling
    - try, catch, finally, throw, throws
    - Creating user defined Exception class
    - Thread and its Life Cycle (Thread States)
    - Thread Class and its methods
    - Synchronization in Multiple Threads (Multithreading)
    - Deamon Thread, Non-Deamon Thread
    - Stream and its types (Input, Output, Character, Byte)
    - File and RandomAccessFile Class
    - Reading and Writing through Character Stream Classes (FileReader, BufferedReader, FileWriter, BufferedWriter)
    - Reading and Writing through Byte Stream Classes (InputStream, FileInputStream, DataInputStream,OutputStream, FileOutputStream, DataOutputStream)
    - StreamTokenizer Class
    - Piped Streams, Bridge Classes : InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter
    - ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream

  4. Unit 4

    - Introduction to Applet
    - Applet Life Cycle
    - Implement & Executing Applet with Parameters
    - Graphics class
    Layout Managers
    - FlowLayout
    - BorderLayout
    - CardLayout
    - GridLayout
    - GridBagLayout with GridBagConstraints
    - Intro. to BoxLayout, SpringLayout, GroupLayout
    - Using NO LAYOUT Manager

  5. Unit 5

    GUI using SWING Event Handling
    - Introduction to AWT and Swing
    - Difference Between AWT and Swing Components
    - Swing Components
        o JFrame, JPanel
        o JLabel, JButton, JRadioButton, JCheckBox, JProgressBar, JFileChooser
        o JTextField, JPasswordField, JTextArea
        o JScrollBar, JComboBox, JList
        o Menus (JMenuBar, JMenu, JMenuItem)
    - Introduction to Event Handling
    - Event Delegation Model
    - Event Packages
        o AWT Event Package
        o Swing Event Package
    - Event Classes (ActionEvent, ItemEvent, FocusEvent, MouseEvent, MouseWheelEvent, AdjustmentEvent TextEvent, WindowEvent, etc.)
    - Listener Interfaces (ActionListener, ItemListener, FocusListener, AdjustmentListener, KeyListener, MouseListener, MoutMotionListener, TextListener, WindowListener, etc.)
    - Adapter Classes (FocusAdapter, KeyAdapter, MouseAdapter, MouseMotionAdapter

  1. Unit 1

    .NET Framework and Visual Studio IDE, Language Basics
    Introduction to .NET Framework Features / Advantages
    CLR, CTS and CLS
    BCL / FCL / Namespaces Assembly and MetaData JIT and types
    Managed Code and Unmanaged Code
    Introduction to .NET Framework and IDE versions
    Different components (windows) of IDE
    Types of Projects in IDE (Console, Windows, Web, Setup, etc.)
    Data Types (Value Type & Reference Type)
    Boxing and UnBoxing
    Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Bitwise, etc.)
    Arrays (One Dimensional, Rectangular, Jagged)
    Decisions (If types and switch case) Loops (for, while, do..while, foreach)

  2. Unit 2

    Class and Inheritance, Property, Indexer, Pointers, Delegates, Event, Collections
    Concept of Class, Object, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism
    Creating Class and Objects Methods with “ref” and “out” parameters
    Static and Non-Static Members Constructors
    Overloading Constructor, Method and Operator
    Sealed Class & Abstract Class Overriding Methods
    Interface inheritance Creating and using Property Creating and using Indexer
    Creating and using Pointers (unsafe concept)
    Creating and using Delegates (Single / Multicasting)
    Creating and using Events with Event Delegate
    Collections (ArrayList, HashTable, Stack, Queue, SortedList) and their differences.

  3. Unit 3

    Windows Programming
    Creating windows Application MessageBox class with all types of Show() method
    Basic Introduction to Form and properties
    Concept of adding various Events with event parameters
    Different Windows Controls
        - Button
        - Label
        - TextBox
        - RadioButton
        - CheckBox
        - ComboBox
        - ListBox
        - PictureBox
        - ScrollBar
        - TreeView
        - Menu (MenuStrip, ContextMenuStrip)
        - ToopStrip
        - Timer
        - Panel and GroupBox
    Dialog Boxes (ColorDialog, FontDialog, SaveFileDialog and OpenFileDialog)
    MDI Concept with MDI Notepad Concept of Inheriting Form

  4. Unit 4

    Database Programming with ADO.NET
    Concept of Connected and Disconnected Architecture Data Providers in ADO.NET Connection Object Connected Architecture
    - Command
    - DataReader Disconnected Architecture
    - DataAdapter
    - DataSet
    - DataTable
    - DataRow
    - DataColumn
    - DataRelation
    - DataView Data Binding
    GridView Programming

  5. Unit 5

    User Controls (Components), Crystal Reports, Setup Project
    Creating User Control with
        - Property
        - Method
        - Event
    Using User Control in Windows, Projects as component, Creating Crystal Reports
    Types of Reports Report Sections
    Formula, Special Field and Summary in Report
    Types of Setup Projects Creating Setup Project
        - File System Editor
        - User Interface Editor
        - Launch Conditions Editor

  1. Unit 1

    The Search Engines: Reflecting Consciousness and Connecting Commerce Search Engine Basics
    • The Mission of Search Engines The Market Share of Search Engines
    • The Human Goals of Searching
    • Determining Searcher Intent: A Challenge for Both Marketers and Search Engines
    • How People Search?
    • How Search Engines Drive Commerce on the Web?
    • Eye Tracking: How Users Scan Results Pages?
    • Click Tracking: How Users Click on Results? Natural Versus Paid
    • Understanding Search Engine Results
    • Algorithm-Based Ranking Systems: Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking
    • Determining Searcher Intent and Delivering Relevant
    • Fresh Content
    • Analyzing Ranking Factors
    • Using Advanced Search Techniques
    • Vertical Search Engines
    • Country-Specific Search Engines

  2. Unit 2

    Determining SEO Objectives and Defining Site’s Audience First Stages of SEO
    • Setting SEO Goals and Objectives
    • Developing an SEO Plan Prior to Site Development
    • Understanding Audience and Finding Niche
    • SEO for Raw Traffic
    • SEO for E-Commerce Sales
    • SEO for Mindshare/Branding
    • SEO for Lead Generation and Direct Marketing
    • SEO for Reputation Management
    • SEO for Ideological Influence
    • The Major Elements of Planning
    • Identifying the Site Development Process and Players
    • Defining Site’s Information Architecture
    • Auditing an Existing Site to Identify SEO Problems
    • Identifying Current Server Statistics Software and Gaining Access
    • Determining Top Competitors
    • Assessing Historical Progress
    • Benchmarking Current Indexing Status
    • Benchmarking Current Rankings
    • Benchmarking Current Traffic Sources and Volume
    • Leveraging Business Assets for SEO
    • Combining Business Assets and Historical Data to Conduct SEO/Website SWOT Analysis

  3. Unit 3

    Developing an SEO-Friendly Website
    • Making Site Accessible to Search Engines
    • Creating an Optimal Information Architecture
    • Root Domains, Subdomains, and Microsites
    • Optimization of Domain Names/URLs
    • Keyword Targeting
    • Content Optimization
    • Duplicate Content Issues Controlling Content with Cookies and Session IDs
    • Content Delivery and Search Spider Control
    • Redirects, Content Management System (CMS) Issues
    • Optimizing Flash
    • Best Practices for Multilanguage/Country Targeting

  4. Unit 4

    Keyword Research, Optimizing for Vertical Search
    • The Theory Behind Keyword Research
    • Traditional Approaches: Domain Expertise
    • Site Content Analysis
    • Keyword Research Tools
    • Determining Keyword Value/Potential ROI, Leveraging the Long Tail of Keyword Demand, Trending, Seasonality, and Seasonal Fluctuations in Keyword Demand
    • The Opportunities in Vertical Search
    • Optimizing for Local Search
    • Optimizing for Image Search
    • Optimizing for Product Search
    • Optimizing for News, Blog, and Feed Search
    • Others: Mobile, Video/Multimedia Search

  5. Unit 5

    Tracking Results and Measuring Success An Evolving Art Form: The Future of SEO
    • Why Measuring Success Is Essential to the SEO Process
    • Measuring Search Traffic
    • Tying SEO to Conversion and ROI
    • Competitive and Diagnostic Search Metrics Key Performance
    • Indicators for Long Tail SEO
    • The Ongoing Evolution of Search
    • More Searchable Content and Content Types, Search becoming More Personalized and User-Influenced
    • Increasing Importance of Local, Mobile, and Voice
    • Recognition Search
    • Increased Market Saturation and Competition
    • SEO As an Enduring Art Form

  1. Unit 1

    Introduction, Process and Thread, Process Scheduling
    • Meaning of OS
    • Functions of OS
    • Features of OS
    • OS Types (User Point of View)
    • OS Types (Features Point of View)

    • Process Definition ,
    • Processstates ,
    • Process State transitions ,
    • Process Control Block ,
    • Context switching ,
    • Threads,
    • Concept of multithreads ,
    • Benefits of threads,
    • Types of threads

    • Types of Schedulers
    • CPU scheduling algorithms
    o FCFS
    o SJN
    o Round Robin
    o Priority Base Non Preemptive
    o Priority Base Preemptive

  2. Unit 2

    Deadlocks Memory management
    • Deadlocks: Definition,
    • Deadlock Prevention
    • Deadlock Avoidance
    • Deadlock Detection

    • Physical Memory and Virtual Memory
    • Memory Allocation
    • Internal and External fragmentation
    • Contiguous Memory Allocation
    • Noncontiguous Memory Allocation
    • Virtual Memory Using Paging
    • Virtual Memory Using Segmentation

  3. Unit 3

    Getting Started with Unix Unix Shell Command
    • Unix Architecture
    • Unix Features
    • Types Of Shell ( C, Bourn, Korn )
    • Unix File System
    • Types Of Files
    o Ordinary Files
    o Directory Files
    o Device Files
    • Unix File & Directory Permissions

    • Connecting Unix Shell : Telnet
    • Login Commands o passwd, logout, who, who am i, clear,uname
    • File / Directory Related Command o ls, cat, cd, pwd, mv, cp, ln, rm, rmdir, mkdir, chmod, chown, chgrp, find,more,less,head,tail,wc,touch, stat, alias,type
    • Operators in Redirection & Piping o , <>, |
    • Finding Patterns in Files o grep,fgrep,egrep
    • Working with columns and fields o cut,paste,join

    • Tools for sorting :sort,uniq
    • Comparing files : cmp,comm,diff
    • Changing Information in Files : tr,sed,
    • Examining File Contents : od
    • Tools for mathematical calculations: bc,factor
    • Monitoring Input and Output :tee,script
    • Tools For Displaying Date and Time : cal,date
    • Communications : telnet,wall,write,mail,finger,mesg, ping
    • Process Related Commands :
    • ps, command to run process in background, nice,kill,at,batch,wait,sleep,top,jobs
    • Concept of Mounting a File System : mount command
    • Concept of DeMounting a File System : umount command

  4. Unit 4

    Text Editing With vi and nano Editor, Shell Programming
    • Introduction of vi editor
    • Modes in vi
    • Switching mode in vi
    • Cursor movement
    • Screen control commands
    • Entering text, cut, copy, paste in vi editor
    • Introduction of nano editor
    • Shell Keywords
    • Shell Variables
    • User variables o set, unset and echo command with shell variables
    • Positional Parameters
    • Interactive shell script using read and echo
    • Decision Statements
    o if then fi
    o if then else fi
    o if then elif else fi
    o case esac
    • test command
    • Logical Operators
    • Looping statements
    o for loop
    o while loop
    o until loop
    o break, continue command
    • Array
    • Function
    • Various shell script examples

  5. Unit 5

    Getting Started with Linux, Linux Booting, Linux Admin (Ubuntu)
    • History of Linux
    • GNU, GPL Concept
    • Open Source & Freeware
    • Structure and Features of Linux
    • Installation and Configuration of Linux
    o Using with Ubuntu
    • Startup, Shutdown and boot loaders of Linux

    • Linux Booting Process
    o LILO Configuration
    o GRUB Configuration

    • Creating Linux User Account and Password
    • Installing and Managing Samba Server
    • Installing and Managing Apache Server
    • Optimizing LDAP Services
    • Optimizing DNS Services
    • Optimizing FTP Services
    • Optimizing Web Services
    • Configure Ubuntu's Built-In Firewall
    • Working with WINE



  1. Unit 1

    The J2EE Platform, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
    • Introduction to J2EE
    • Enterprise Architecture Styles:
        - Two-Tier Architecture
        - Three-Tier Architecture
        - N-Tier Architecture
    • Enterprise Architecture
    • The J2EE Platform
    • Introduction to J2EE APIs (Servlet, JSP, EJB, JMS, JavaMail, JSF, JNDI)
    • Introduction to Containers
    • Tomcat as a Web Container
    • Introduction of JDBC
    • JDBC Architecture
    • Data types in JDBC
    • Processing Queries
    • Database Exception Handling
    • Discuss types of drivers
    • JDBC Introduction and Need for JDBC
    • JDBC Architecture
    • Types of JDBC Drivers
    • JDBC API for Database Connectivity (java.sql package)
    • Statement, PreparedStatement
    • CallableStatement
    • ResultSetMetaData
    • DatabaseMetaData
    • Other JDBC APIs
    • Connecting with Databases (MySQL, Access, Oracle)

  2. Unit 2

    RMI Servlet
    • RMI overview
    • RMI architecture
    • Stub and Skeleton
    • Developing and Executing RMI application
    • Servlet Introduction
    • Architecture of a Servlet
    • Servlet API (Javax.servlet and avax.servlet.http)
    • Servlet Life Cycle
    • Developing and Deploying Servlets
    • Handling Servlet Requests and Responses
    • Reading Initialization Parameters
    • Session Tracking Approaches (URL Rewriting, Hidden Form Fields, Cookies, Session API)
    • Servlet Collaboration
    • Servlet with JDBC

  3. Unit 3

    JSP, Java Beans
    • Introduction to JSP and JSP Basics
    • JSP vs. Servlet
    • JSP Architecture
    • Life cycle of JSP
    • JSP Elements: Directive Elements, Scripting Elements, Action Elements
        - Directives Elements (page, include, taglib)
        - Scripting Elements (Declaration, scriptlet, expression)
        - Action Elements (JSP:param, JSP:include, JSP:Forward, JSP:plugin)
    • JSP Implicit Objects
    • JSP Scope
    • Including and Forwarding from JSP Pages
    • include Action
    • forward Action
    • Working with Session & Cookie in JSP
    • Error Handling and Exception Handling with JSP
    • JDBC with JSP
    • JavaBean Properties
    • JavaBean Methods
    • Common JavaBean packaging

  4. Unit 4

    MVC Architecture, EJB, Hibernate
    • Introduction to MVC
    • Implementation of MVC Architecture
    • Introduction
    • Benefits of EJB
    • Restriction on EJB
    • Types of EJB
    • Session Beans
    • Entity Beans
    • Message-driven beans
    • Timer service
    • Introduction to Hibernate
    • Need for hibernate
    • Features of hibernate
    • Disadvantages of Hibernate
    • Exploring Hibernate Architecture
    • Downloading and Configuring and necessary files to Hibernate in Eclipse
    • Jars files of hibernate.
    • Hibernate Configuration file
    • Hibernate Mapping file
    • Basic Example of Hibernate
    • Annotation
    • Hibernate Inheritance
    • Inheritance Annotations
    • Hibernate Sessions

  5. Unit 5

    Spring, Struts
    • Introduction of Spring Framework
    • Spring Architecture
    • Spring Framework definition
    • Spring & MVC
    • Spring Context definition
    • Inversion of Control (IoC) in Spring
    • Aspect Oriented programming in Spring (AOP)
    • Understanding Struts Framework
    • Comparision with MVC using RequestDispatcher and the EL
    • Struts Flow of Control
    • Processing Requests with Action Objects
    • Handling Request Parameters with FormBeans
    • Prepopulating and Redisplaying Input Forms
    • Using Properties Files

  1. Unit 1

    Framework And Web Contents Validation Controls
    • Overview of Asp.NET Framework
    • Client Server Architecture
    • Application Web Servers
    • Installation of IIS server
    • Types of Files in Asp.NET
    • Types of controls in Asp.NET
    • Page Architecture, Adding Controls to a Webpage
    • The Page Class
    • Webfor
    • Introduction to standard Controls ( Buttons, Textbox, Checkbox, Lable, Panel, Listbox, Dropdownlist etc.)
    • Running an Asp.Net Application, File Upload Control
    • What is Validation?
    • Client Side Validation
    • Server Side Validation
    • Types ( RequieredField Validator, Range Validator, CompareField Validator, RegularExpression Validator, Custom Validator, ValidationSummery Control)

  2. Unit 2

    State Management
    • What is State?
    • Why is it Required in Asp.Net?
    • Client Side State Management
    • Server Side State Management
    • Various State Management Techniques (View State, Query String, Cookie, Session State, Application State)

  3. Unit 3

    ADO.NET And Database
    • Architecture of ADO.NET
    • Connected Architecture
    • DisConnected Architecture
    • ADO.NET Classes ( Connection, Command, DataReader, DataAdapter, DataSet, DataColumn, DataRow, DataConstraints, DataView etc.)
    • The Gridview Control, The Repeater Control
    • Binding Data to DataBound Controls,
    • Diplaying Data in a webpage using SQLDataSource Control
    • DataBinding Expressions

  4. Unit 4

    Master Pages and Theme Caching, Application Pages And Data
    • What is Master Page ?
    • Requirement Of a Master Page in an Asp.NET application
    • Designing Website with Master Page, Theme and CSS
    • Overview
    • Page Output Caching
    • Partial Page Caching, Absolute Cache Expiration
    • Sliding Cache Expiration
    • Data Caching

  5. Unit 5

    Working With XML Asp.NET Application Configuration and Deployment of Application
    • Reading Datasets From XML
    • Writing DataSets With XML
    • WebServices (Introduction, HTTP, SOAP, UDDI,XML, Creating a Web Servic, Consuming a Web Service)
    • Introduction To Web.Config
    • Common Configuration Sections
    • AppSettings
    • Tracing
    • Custom Errors
    • Authentication And Authorization
    • Deployment of Application in web server

  1. Unit 1

    The Search Engines: Reflecting Consciousness and Connecting Commerce Search Engine Basics
    • The Mission of Search Engines
    • The Market Share of Search Engines
    • The Human Goals of Searching
    • Determining Searcher Intent: A Challenge for Both Marketers and Search Engines
    • How People Search?
    • How Search Engines Drive Commerce on the Web?
    • Eye Tracking: How Users Scan Results Pages?
    • Click Tracking: How Users Click on Results? Natural Versus Paid
    • Understanding Search Engine Results
    • Algorithm-Based Ranking Systems: Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking
    • Determining Searcher Intent and Delivering Relevant
    • Fresh Content
    • Analyzing Ranking Factors
    • Using Advanced Search Techniques
    • Vertical Search Engines
    • Country-Specific Search Engines

  2. Unit 2

    Determining SEO Objectives and Defining Site’s Audience First Stages of SEO
    • Setting SEO Goals and Objectives
    • Developing an SEO Plan Prior to Site Development
    • Understanding Audience and Finding Niche
    • SEO for Raw Traffic
    • SEO for E-Commerce Sales
    • SEO for Mindshare/Branding
    • SEO for Lead Generation and Direct Marketing
    • SEO for Reputation Management
    • SEO for Ideological Influence
    • The Major Elements of Planning
    • Identifying the Site Development Process and Players
    • Defining Site’s Information Architecture
    • Auditing an Existing Site to Identify SEO Problems
    • Identifying Current Server Statistics Software and Gaining Access
    • Determining Top Competitors
    • Assessing Historical Progress
    • Benchmarking Current Indexing Status
    • Benchmarking Current Rankings
    • Benchmarking Current Traffic Sources and Volume
    • Leveraging Business Assets for SEO
    • Combining Business Assets and Historical Data to Conduct SEO/Website SWOT Analysis

  3. Unit 3

    Developing an SEO-Friendly Website
    • Making Site Accessible to Search Engines
    • Creating an Optimal Information Architecture
    • Root Domains, Subdomains, and Microsites
    • Optimization of Domain Names/URLs
    • Keyword Targeting
    • Content Optimization
    • Duplicate Content Issues Controlling Content with Cookies and Session IDs
    • Content Delivery and Search Spider Control
    • Redirects, Content Management System (CMS) Issues
    • Optimizing Flash
    • Best Practices for Multilanguage/Country Targeting

  4. Unit 4

    Keyword Research, Optimizing for Vertical Search
    • The Theory Behind Keyword Research
    • Traditional Approaches: Domain Expertise
    • Site Content Analysis
    • Keyword Research Tools
    • Determining Keyword Value/Potential ROI, Leveraging the Long Tail of Keyword Demand, Trending, Seasonality, and Seasonal Fluctuations in Keyword Demand
    • The Opportunities in Vertical Search
    • Optimizing for Local Search
    • Optimizing for Image Search
    • Optimizing for Product Search
    • Optimizing for News, Blog, and Feed Search
    • Others: Mobile, Video/Multimedia Search

  5. Unit 5

    Tracking Results and Measuring Success An Evolving Art Form: The Future of SEO
    • Why Measuring Success Is Essential to the SEO Process
    • Measuring Search Traffic
    • Tying SEO to Conversion and ROI
    • Competitive and Diagnostic Search Metrics Key Performance
    • Indicators for Long Tail SEO
    • The Ongoing Evolution of Search
    • More Searchable Content and Content Types, Search becoming More Personalized and User-Influenced
    • Increasing Importance of Local, Mobile, and Voice
    • Recognition Search
    • Increased Market Saturation and Competition
    • SEO As an Enduring Art Form

  1. Unit 1

    Introduction to Android Android Application Design
    • The Open Handset Alliance
    • The Android Platform, Android SDK
    • Building a sample Android application
    • Anatomy of an Android applications
    • Android terminologies
    • Application Context, Activities, Services, Intents
    • Receiving and Broadcasting Intents
    • Android Manifest File and its common settings
    • Using Intent Filter, Permissions
    • Managing Application resources in a hierarchy
    • Working with different types of resources

  2. Unit 2

    Android User Interface Design
    • User Interface Screen elements
        o Button, EditText, TextView, DatePicker, TimePicker, ProgressBar, ListView, GridView, RadioGroup, ImageButton, Fragement
    • Designing User Interfaces with Layouts
        o Relative Layout, Linear Layout, Table Layout etc
    • Dialogs
    • Drawing and Working with Animation
        o Frame By Frame Animation
        o Twined Animation

  3. Unit 3

    Database Connectivity Using SQLite and Content Provider
    • Using Android Data and Storage APIs
    • Managing data using SQLite
    • Sharing Data Between Applications with Content Providers

  4. Unit 4

    Location Based Services (LBS), Common Android API, Notifications, Services, Deployment of applications
    • Using Global Positioning Services (GPS)
    • Geocoding Locations
    • Mapping Locations
    • Many more with location based services
    • Android networking API
    • Android web API
    • Android telephony API
    • Notifying the user, Notifying with the status bar
    • Vibrating the phone
    • Blinking the lights
    • Customizing the notifications Services
    • Application development using JSON in MySQL
    • Publish android application

  5. Unit 5

    Introduction To iPhone
    • Introduction To X-Code (IDE)
    • Framework, Design User Interface for button, text view, text field, etc.
    • Creating And Building Simple Application
    • Cocoa Touch And MVC

  1. Unit 1

    Introduction to Data Warehousing
    • What Is a Data Warehouse?
    • Data Warehousing Today
    • Future Trends in Data Warehousing.
    • Data Warehouse Architecture
    • Data Flow Architecture

  2. Unit 2

    Designing and Implementation of Data Warehousing
    • Logical Design for data warehouse
    • Physical Design for data warehouse
    • Design dimension table, fact table for data warehouse
    • Design and implement effective physical data structure for data warehouse

  3. Unit 3

    Creating ETL Solutions with SSIS, Implementing Control Flow in SSIS
    • Introduction to ETL with SSIS
    • Exploring data sources
    • Implementing data flow using SSIS
    • Introduction to Control Flow
    • Creating Dynamic Packages
    • Using Containers

  4. Unit 4

    Enforcing Data Quality, Extending SQL Server Integration Services
    • Introduction to Data Quality
    • Using Data Quality Service to Cleanse data
    • Using Data Quality Service to match data
    • Using Scripts in SSIS
    • Using Custom components in SSIS

  5. Unit 5

    Deploying and Configuring SSIS Packages, Consuming Data in Data Warehouse
    • Overview of SSIS Development
    • Deploying SSIS Projects
    • Planning SSIS Package Execution
    • Introduction to Business Intelligence
    • Introduction to Reporting
    • Introduction to Data Analysis

  1. Unit 1

    Introduction to Python
    The basic elements of Python, Branching programs, Strings and Input, Iteration, Functions and Scoping, Specifications, Recursion, Global variables, Modules, Files, Tuples, Lists and Mutability, Functions as Objects, Strings, Tuples and Lists, Dictionaries

  2. Unit 2

    OOP using Python
    Handling exceptions, Exceptions as a control flow mechanism, Assertions, Abstract Data Types and Classes, Inheritance, Encapsulation and information hiding, Search Algorithms, Sorting Algorithms, Hashtables

  3. Unit 3

    Plotting using PyLab
    Plotting using PyLab, Plotting mortgages and extended examples, Fibonacci sequence revisited, Dynamic programming and the 0/1 Knapsack algorithm, Dynamic programming and divide and conquer

  4. Unit 4

    Regular Expressions
    Special Symbols and Characters, Regexes and Python, A Longer Regex example (like Data Generators, matching a string etc.)
    Text Processing: Comma Sepearated values,JavaScript Object Notation (JSON),Python and XML
    Case Study: Create Regular expressions ( Custom), Process telephone numbers, Generate log data, HTML Generators, Tweet Scrub, Amazone ScreenScrapper, Mailmerge

  5. Unit 5

    Python and Data Analytics
    Understand the problem By Understanding the Data Predictive Model Building: Balancing Performance, Complexity, and the Big Data

Career & Jobs

After BCA degree there are numerous career options available for candidates across the country. The demand of IT professionals is increasing not only in India but also in abroad.

After the completion of the course, the student can find a job in reputed IT companies like IBM, Oracle, Infosys, and Google.

This field provides students ample opportunities to make their career not only in private sector but also in the public sector. The government organization like NIC, Indian Army, Indian Air Force and India Navy also recruit large number of computer professionals for their IT department. Students can make their career in banking, education, stock markets, insurance marketing, and in e-commerce also.

After the completion of the course a student’s work profile may include:

System engineer in the top companies like Infosys, Wipro, hp, Google. A system engineer develops, test and evaluate software, circuits, and personal computer.

Programmer in various software development firms. The duty of programmer is to write code for software. A programmer is primarily working in the computer language such as Assembly, COBOL, C, C++, C#, Java, Lisp, Python, etc.

Web developer in various web designing companies and online digital marketing companies. A web developer is a programmer who specializes in the development of world wide web applications. The role of web developer is to build and maintain websites. A web developer must have skills in HTML/XHTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript , etc.

System Administrator in an organization including a bank, school, or college. A System administrator is responsible for setting up and maintaining the system or server.

Software developer in the companies like Microsoft, Google, face book. The sole responsibility of software developer is to develop software that ease the tasks of the people and enable to perform work efficiently. A software developer also installs, test and maintains the software.


The IT field is one of the highest paying fields for a fresher. A computer professional working in a big MNC can easily get an initial package of Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 40,000 per month. Some IT giants like Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Face book pays even a six figure salary to a fresh graduate.

Top Recruiters

A number of top recruiters look for the fresher degree holders for offering opportunity of work with. BCA is one of the demanding courses under the IT sector.

Here, we have listed the prestigious companies that recruits BCA graduates:

HCL logo
congnizant logo
Syntel logo
heaxaware logo

tata consultancy service logo
niit logo
dell logo
Wipro company logo

logo of techmahindra company
accenture company logo